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A Computing and Games Development Student Studio.

I am a second year Computing and Games Development student at the University of Plymouth.  Over the course of 3 years I will be building upon my passion for computing  and its application with games development, learning skills and techniques required throughout the industry.





Over the past two years I have developed a number of 2D and 3D Unity games, a swell as  as well Web based games. 




More recently I have delved into the world of 3D Modeling within 3DS Max. I have been modeling multiple  rooms and items to be used in games and scene demonstrations.  



During my time at university my coding skills have vastly increased thanks to my Software Design modules, in which I have created GUI and Console applications. 




Software Engineering -


Developing the fundamental constructs of Coding and Object Orientated and Event-Driven Programming, using C# to develop console and GUI driven programs.


Algorithms, Data Structures and Mathematics  -


Building on the knowledge gained in Software Engineering,

this module is aimed at expanding the understanding of data structures and there uses, as well as the approach for developing algorithms from a mathematical perspective.    


Web Game Technologies - 


Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build a text based browser game with player interaction, using the development and design patterns found within the industry. 


Games Workshop - 


Establish the ability to develop games within the Unity engine along with the tools and techniques used during the development of assets, mechanics and algorithms. 


Intelligent Systems  - 


An insight into the application of artificial intelligence, within and outside of the games industry, as well as a look into the ethical questions raised by artificial intelligence.  



Interactive Systems - 


Using Unity to develop a game mechanic that will evolve into a fully playable game, delving into the (Agile) methodology used in software engineering. 


Object Orientated Software Engineering with Design Patterns -


A focus around the architecture of OOP and its applications, using Java within Netbeans to create GUI programs and raise coding and design pattern skills.   


Design Process - 


A look into 3D modeling using 3Ds max, as well as the documentation, research, and other necessary skills required when designing to a client specification. 


Live Integrated Project - 


Design, develop and build  a project for a real world client based upon their presented problem specification, pitching back the solution in a real world tech demo.


Artificial Intelligence for Games Development -


A more in depth look at the application of artificial  intelligence within video games, including its creation, uses, and downfalls.


Mobile Devices and HCI Programming - 


Delving into the world of mobile devices and portable systems, glancing into how source code is converted into machine code within micro-controllers and the grammatical structure of languages




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